Summer of SEDS 2019

In 2019 SEDS-Canada held our first-annual Summer of SEDS crowdfunding campaign, and thanks to 15 generous people we raised $1,190!

Astronaut-level ($100)

Barry Baldwin

Noel & Darla Cote

Zerina Johanson

Christina Amey

Aaron Persad

Derek Gowanlock

Rocket Scientist-level ($50)

Chris Robson

Marc Boucher

Alina Kunitskaya

Aaron Rosenstein

Alex Wlodarczyk 

Mission Controller-level ($25)

Adam Morgan

Stargazer-level ($5)

Peter Mark


Thank you!

Sponsorship-level based rewards are being mailed out. If you have not emailed with your mailing address, please do so now. GoFundMe does not share your information with Campaign Organizers.

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